The Old Testament continues with Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo, but for explanation sake, we will skip over those. The sign that follows Leo is Virgo.
Jesus was born under a Virgin called Mary in Bethlemen. However, Virgin is actually not a real person, but the zodiac - Virgo. Virgo is also known as Virgin and "the house of bread". Beth-lehem (Jesus birth place) is also translated as "the house of bread". In other words, yes, Jesus was born in Beth-lehem, but it is not a location on earth, but it's referring to the constellation Virgo.
One may ask so how did the name “Mary” came to be? The name “Mary” came from the Greek word Μαριαμ aka “Maria” (see source). Maria in Greek means the sea. The sun rises from the sea (in the perspective of the ancient people), in other words, the sun was born from the sea. This also correlates to the notion of Jesus walking on the sea. Each day, the sun rising and setting point changes slightly, and this creates the illusion that the sun is walking across the water. From the summer solstice, to the winter solstice, the sun travels East, From the Winter Solstice to the Summer Solstice, it travels in the opposite direction, both creating the image of a sun walking on the water.
After Virgo comes Libra. Libra is about judgement. This is when the sun gets judged. Next comes Scorpio.
See Source |
Judas represents Scorpio because he is the betrayal of the sun. “When the sun enters the house of Scorpio, the Scorpion figuratively stings the sun wounding it to make it slowly die.” This becomes apparent during late October when the days become shorter (as the sun becomes farther and farther away from the earth) (shows diagram).
Next comes Sagittarius. The sign Sagittarius is represented by a spear and Sagittarius in the bible is represented by the Pontius Pilate. Pilate means “armed with a spear”. The symbol of a spear is the symbol for Sagittarius.
After Sagittarius is Capricorn. Referring to the astrological chart diagram(Image 2). The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn (which is associated with bad luck or even “Satan”). With the sun traveling to Capricorn, it marks the death of the sun. During the winter solstice, on December 22-25(Capricorn), the sun reaches its lowest point and stops moving for 3 days, then the sun moves up one degree. This would explain why Jesus died on the cross for 3 day only to be resurrected on the fourth day.
Then the sun goes to the sign of Aquarius. During the ancient time, this is the rainy seasons. This is when the rain is baptizing the sun. After this comes Pisces which happens on February. "Febru" in Latin means purification, when the sun has been purified. Then it goes back to Aries.
The bible is nothing more than the sun traveling through the 12 zodiacs. That is to say, once you reach the end of the bible (or the end of the year), the bible starts again with Aries. Finally, I would like to end my article with scripture passages from the bible.
1) Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, "I am the light of the world”.
(In other words, he is the sun)
2) As for the name of Jesus, it came from the word IHS. In Greek, “H” is pronounced with an “e” sound. “J” and “I” were used interchangeable in Greek. Therefore, IHS produces JES. The ending of “us” in Jesus was only added years later when the bible was created). On top of that, Santos Bonacci came up with the idea that when we nod our head, it has a positive connotation, meaning “YES”. When we nod our head, we follow the direction of the sun rise and the sun set. When we shake our heads, we do the opposite of how the sun travels. Yes to the Sun is synonymous to YES to Jesus.
3) And God said, 'Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.' And it was so . . . And God saw that it was good." [Emphasis mine] Genesis 1:14-15, 18b NIV
(This is to say, they believed stars and the sun were created to predict the future and they serve as signs to mark sacred times)
4) As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the AGE?”
(AGE was used many times in the bible. In astrology terminology, we are in the Age of Aquarius. Age changes every 2160 years. Pisces started around 0 BC, which is when Jesus was born(BC) Jesus was born roughly 2000 years ago, so we are in the age of Aquarius. Aquarius in the birth chart is directly opposite of Leo. Leo rules the heart because it is the hottest area of the body, just as Leo marks the hottest month of the year)
There is much more in Santos Bonacci videos than what I have posted here. I tried to put as much information as I could in this post but if you find this article interesting, I highly recommend you watch his videos to understand more). Here is a link to his video.
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